--[[ SOURCE_ https://gist.github.com/bitingsock/ad58ee5da560ecb922fa4a867ac0ecfd COMMIT_ 20200802 自定义快捷键 快速切换音频输出设备 此脚本优于在 input.conf 中使用 cycle-values audio-device 参数的方案 示例在 input.conf 中写入两行: CTRL+a script-binding cycle_adevice/back ALT+a script-binding cycle_adevice/next ]]-- local opt = require 'mp.options' local user_opts = { api = "" -- 限制音频接口 } opt.read_options(user_opts) local api = user_opts.api local deviceList = {} local function cycle_adevice(s, e, d) while s ~= e + d do -- until the loop would cycle back to the number we started on if string.find(mp.get_property("audio-device"), deviceList[s].name, 1, true) then while true do if s + d == 0 then --the device list starts at 1; 0 means we iterated to far s = #deviceList + 1 --so lets restart at the last device elseif s + d == #deviceList + 1 then --we iterated past the last device s = 0 --then start from the beginning end s = s + d --next device if string.find(deviceList[s].name, api, 1, true) then mp.set_property("audio-device",deviceList[s].name) deviceList[s].description = "■ "..deviceList[s].description local list = "音频输出设备:\n" for i=1,#deviceList do if string.find(deviceList[i].name, api, 1, true) then if deviceList[i].name~=deviceList[s].name then list = list.."□ " end list=list..deviceList[i].description.."\n" end end if mp.get_property("vid")=="no" then print("audio="..deviceList[s].description) else mp.osd_message(list, 3) end return end end end s = s + d end end local function cycle_back() deviceList = mp.get_property_native("audio-device-list") cycle_adevice(#deviceList, 1, -1) --'s'tart at last device, 'e'nd at device 1, iterate backward 'd'elta=-1 end local function cycle_forward() deviceList = mp.get_property_native("audio-device-list") cycle_adevice(1, #deviceList, 1) --'s'tart at device 1, 'e'nd at last device, iterate forward 'd'elta=1 end mp.add_key_binding(nil, "next", cycle_forward) mp.add_key_binding(nil, "back", cycle_back)