###不支持参数后注释,须另起一行 # -- 动态键位绑定(对应五个不同的信息页) #key_page_1=1 #key_page_2=2 #key_page_3=3 #key_page_4=4 #key_page_0=0 # -- 动态键位绑定(部分页面支持上下翻页) #key_scroll_up=UP #key_scroll_down=DOWN #scroll_lines=1 ##滚动一次的行数 duration=3 ##临时显示的持续时间(秒),默认4 redraw_delay=0.5 ##常驻显示的数据刷新间隔(秒),设为0会有bug,默认1 #ass_formatting=yes persistent_overlay=yes ##禁止其它OSD文本覆盖stats信息,默认no #print_perfdata_passes=no ##设为yes将输出传递的完整信息 #filter_params_max_length=100 ## a filter list longer than this many characters will be shown one filter per line instead #debug=no # -- Graph options and style #plot_perfdata=yes #plot_vsync_ratio=yes #plot_vsync_jitter=yes #skip_frames=5 #global_max=yes #flush_graph_data=yes ##clear data buffers when toggling #plot_bg_border_color=0000FF #plot_bg_color=262626 #plot_color=FFFFFF # -- 字体相关设定 #font=sans #font_mono=monospace ## monospaced digits are sufficient font_size=7 ##字体大小,默认8 #font_color=FFFFFF border_size=0.4 ##字体边框粗细,默认0.8 border_color=1C1C1C ##字体边框颜色,默认262626 #shadow_x_offset=0.0 #shadow_y_offset=0.0 #shadow_color=000000 alpha=0 ##字体透明度,默认11 # -- Custom header for ASS tags to style the text output. # -- Specifying this will ignore the text style values above and just # -- use this string instead. #custom_header= # -- Text formatting # -- With ASS #ass_nl=\\N #ass_indent=\\h\\h\\h\\h\\h #ass_prefix_sep=\\h\\h #ass_b1={\\b1} #ass_b0={\\b0} #ass_it1={\\i1} #ass_it0={\\i0} # -- Without ASS #no_ass_nl=\n #no_ass_indent=\t #no_ass_prefix_sep= #no_ass_b1=\027[1m #no_ass_b0=\027[0m #no_ass_it1=\027[3m #no_ass_it0=\027[0m #bindlist=no ## print page 4 to the terminal on startup and quit mpv