###不支持参数后注释,须另起一行 #### ------- FUNCTIONAL ------- #### ## navigation keybindings force override only while playlist is visible ## if "no" then you can display the playlist by any of the navigation keys dynamic_binds=yes ## 动态绑定键位 不应在 input.conf 中设置(不与静态绑定的键位冲突) ## 可以绑定多个键位,用空格分离 key_moveup=UP key_movedown=DOWN key_movepageup=PGUP key_movepagedown=PGDWN key_movebegin=HOME key_moveend=END key_selectfile=RIGHT LEFT key_unselectfile= key_playfile=ENTER key_removefile=BS key_closeplaylist=ESC ## json format for replacing, check .lua for explanation ## example json=[{"ext":{"all":true},"rules":[{"_":" "}]},{"ext":{"mp4":true,"mkv":true},"rules":[{"^(.+)%..+$":"%1"},{"%s*[%[%(].-[%]%)]%s*":""},{"(%w)%.(%w)":"%1 %2"}]},{"protocol":{"http":true,"https":true},"rules":[{"^%a+://w*%.?":""}]}] ## empty for no replace filename_replace= ## 此项与autoload.lua脚本功能重复 ## filetypes to search from directory #loadfiles_filetypes=["mkv","avi","mp4","ogv","webm","rmvb","flv","wmv","mpeg","mpg","m4v","3gp"] ## 此项与autoload.lua脚本功能重复 ## loadfiles at startup if there is 0 or 1 items in playlist, if 0 uses worḱing dir for files ## requires --idle=yes or --idle=once if 0 files in playlist loadfiles_on_start=no ## sort playlist on mpv start sortplaylist_on_start=no ## sort playlist when any files are added to playlist after initial load sortplaylist_on_file_add=no ## yes: use alphanumerical sort comparison(nonpadded numbers in order), no: use normal lua string comparison alphanumsort=yes ## linux | windows | auto system=windows ## Use ~ for home directory. Leave as empty to use mpv/playlists playlist_savepath= #save playlist automatically after current file was unloaded save_playlist_on_file_end=no ## 2 shows playlist, 1 shows current file(filename strip applied), 0 shows nothing show_playlist_on_fileload=0 ## sync cursor when file is loaded from outside reasons(file-ending, playlist-next shortcut etc.) sync_cursor_on_load=yes ## playlist open key will toggle visibility instead of refresh open_toggles=yes ##是否光标移动到末尾自动切换到首位条目 loop_cursor=no #### ------- VISUAL ------- #### ## prefer to display titles for following files: "all", "url", "none". Sorting still uses filename prefer_titles=url ## call youtube-dl to resolve the titles of urls in the playlist resolve_titles=no ##播放列表短暂停留的时间 with high value on this open_toggles is good to be yes playlist_display_timeout=4 ##截断后显示的列表条目数 showamount=15 ##是否随窗口缩放 scale_playlist_by_window=yes ##播放列表的字体样式 ## example {\fnUbuntu\fs10\b0\bord1} equals: font=Ubuntu, size=10, bold=no, border=1 ## read http://docs.aegisub.org/3.2/ASS_Tags/ for reference of tags ## no values defaults to OSD settings in mpv.conf style_ass_tags={\fnSans\fs10\b0\bord1} ##左上方的边距 text_padding_x=10 text_padding_y=10 ##是否修改MPV的窗口标题 set_title_stripped=no title_prefix= title_suffix= ##是否切断长文件名,最大显示字符数 slice_longfilenames=yes slice_longfilenames_amount=100 ##播放列表标题 One newline will be added after the string. ## %mediatitle or %filename = title or name of playing file ## %pos = position of playing file ## %cursor = position of navigation ## %plen = playlist lenght ## %N = newline playlist_header=播放列表 [%cursor/%plen] ##播放列表模板 ## %pos = position of file with leading zeros ## %name = title or name of file ## %N = newline ## you can also use the ass tags mentioned above. For example: ## selected_file={\c&HFF00FF&}➔ %name | to add a color for selected file. However, if you ## use ass tags you need to reset them for every line (see https://github.com/jonniek/mpv-playlistmanager/issues/20) normal_file={\c&HFFFFFF&}□ %name hovered_file={\c&H33FFFF&}■ %name selected_file={\c&C1C1FF&}☑ %name playing_file={\c&HAAAAAA&}▷ %name playing_hovered_file={\c&H00FF00&}▶ %name playing_selected_file={\c&C1C1FF&}☑ %name ##播放列表被截断时的显示 playlist_sliced_prefix=▲ playlist_sliced_suffix=▼