# port: 7890 # HTTP(S) 代理服务器端口 # socks-port: 7891 # SOCKS5 代理端口 mixed-port: 10801 # HTTP(S) 和 SOCKS 代理混合端口 # redir-port: 7892 # 透明代理端口,用于 Linux 和 MacOS # Transparent proxy server port for Linux (TProxy TCP and TProxy UDP) # tproxy-port: 7893 allow-lan: true # 允许局域网连接 bind-address: "*" # 绑定IP地址,仅作用于 allow-lan 为 true,'*'表示所有地址 mode: rule log-level: debug # 日志等级 silent/error/warning/info/debug ipv6: true # 开启 IPv6 总开关,关闭阻断所有 IPv6 链接和屏蔽 DNS 请求 AAAA 记录 external-controller: # RESTful API 监听地址 # secret: "123456" # `Authorization: Bearer ${secret}` # tcp-concurrent: true # TCP并发连接所有IP, 将使用最快握手的TCP external-ui: /path/to/ui/folder # 配置WEB UI目录,使用http://{{external-controller}}/ui 访问 # interface-name: en0 # 设置出口网卡 # routing-mark: 6666 # 配置 fwmark 仅用于Linux experimental: # 具体配置待定 # 证书指纹,SHA256格式,补充校验TLS证书 # 可使用 openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha256 -inform pem -in yourcert.pem 获取 fingerprints: - "8F111FA9AD3CD8E917A118522CAC39EA33741B3BBE73F91CECE548D5CCB0E5E8" # 忽略大小写 # 类似于 /etc/hosts, 仅支持配置单个 IP hosts: # '*.clash.dev': # '.dev': # 'alpha.clash.dev': '::1' # Tun 配置 tun: enable: false stack: system # gvisor dns-hijack: - # 需要劫持的 DNS # auto-detect-interface: true # 自动识别出口网卡 # auto-route: true # 配置路由表 #ebpf配置 ebpf: auto-redir: # redirect 模式,仅支持 TCP - eth0 redirect-to-tun: # UDP+TCP 使用该功能请勿启用 auto-route - eth0 # 嗅探域名 可选配置 sniffer: enable: false # 需要嗅探协议 sniffing: - tls - http # 强制对此域名进行嗅探 force-domain: - +.v2ex.com # 仅对白名单中的端口进行嗅探,默认为 443,80 port-whitelist: - "80" - "443" # - 8000-9999 profile: # 存储select选择记录 store-selected: false # 持久化fake-ip store-fake-ip: true # DNS配置 dns: enable: false # 关闭将使用系统 DNS listen: # 开启 DNS 服务器监听 # ipv6: false # false 将返回 AAAA 的空结果 # 用于解析 nameserver,fallback 以及其他DNS服务器配置的,DNS 服务域名 # 只能使用纯 IP 地址,可使用加密 DNS default-nameserver: - - - tls:// - tls:// enhanced-mode: fake-ip # or redir-host fake-ip-range: # fake-ip 池设置 # use-hosts: true # 查询 hosts # 配置不使用fake-ip的域名 # fake-ip-filter: # - '*.lan' # - localhost.ptlogin2.qq.com # DNS主要域名配置 # 支持 UDP,TCP,DoT,DoH,DoQ # 这部分为主要 DNS 配置,影响所有直连,确保使用对大陆解析精准的 DNS nameserver: - # default value - # default value - tls:// # DNS over TLS - https://doh.pub/dns-query # DNS over HTTPS - https://dns.alidns.com/dns-query#h3=true # 强制HTTP/3 - https://mozilla.cloudflare-dns.com/dns-query#DNS&h3=true # 指定策略组和使用 HTTP/3 - dhcp://en0 # dns from dhcp - quic://dns.adguard.com:784 # DNS over QUIC # - '' # 兼容指定DNS出口网卡 # 当配置 fallback 时,会查询 nameserver 中返回的 IP 是否为 CN,非必要配置 # 当不是 CN,则使用 fallback 中的 DNS 查询结果 # 确保配置 fallback 时能够正常查询 # fallback: # - tcp:// # - 'tcp://' # 指定 DNS 过代理查询,ProxyGroupName 为策略组名或节点名,过代理配置优先于配置出口网卡,当找不到策略组或节点名则设置为出口网卡 # 专用于节点域名解析的 DNS 服务器,非必要配置项 # 配置服务器若查询失败将使用 nameserver,非并发查询 # proxy-server-nameserver: # - https://dns.google/dns-query # - tls://one.one.one.one # 配置 fallback 使用条件 # fallback-filter: # geoip: true # 配置是否使用 geoip # geoip-code: CN # 当 nameserver 域名的 IP 查询 geoip 库为 CN 时,不使用 fallback 中的 DNS 查询结果 # 配置强制 fallback,优先于 IP 判断,具体分类自行查看 geosite 库 # geosite: # - gfw # 如果不匹配 ipcidr 则使用 nameservers 中的结果 # ipcidr: # - # domain: # - '+.google.com' # - '+.facebook.com' # - '+.youtube.com' # 配置查询域名使用的 DNS 服务器 # nameserver-policy: # 'www.baidu.com': '' # '+.internal.crop.com': '' proxies: # Shadowsocks # cipher支持: # aes-128-gcm aes-192-gcm aes-256-gcm # aes-128-cfb aes-192-cfb aes-256-cfb # aes-128-ctr aes-192-ctr aes-256-ctr # rc4-md5 chacha20-ietf xchacha20 # chacha20-ietf-poly1305 xchacha20-ietf-poly1305 # 2022-blake3-aes-128-gcm 2022-blake3-aes-256-gcm 2022-blake3-chacha20-poly1305 - name: "ss1" type: ss server: server port: 443 cipher: chacha20-ietf-poly1305 password: "password" # udp: true # udp-over-tcp: false # ip-version: ipv4 # 设置节点使用 IP 版本,可选:dual,ipv4,ipv6,ipv4-prefer,ipv6-prefer。默认使用 dual # ipv4:仅使用 IPv4 ipv6:仅使用 IPv6 # ipv4-prefer:优先使用 IPv4 对于 TCP 会进行双栈解析,并发链接但是优先使用 IPv4 链接, # UDP 则为双栈解析,获取结果中的第一个 IPv4 # ipv6-prefer 同 ipv4-prefer # 现有协议都支持此参数,TCP 效果仅在开启 tcp-concurrent 生效 - name: "ss2" type: ss server: server port: 443 cipher: chacha20-ietf-poly1305 password: "password" plugin: obfs plugin-opts: mode: tls # or http # host: bing.com - name: "ss3" type: ss server: server port: 443 cipher: chacha20-ietf-poly1305 password: "password" plugin: v2ray-plugin plugin-opts: mode: websocket # no QUIC now # tls: true # wss # fingerprint: xxxx # skip-cert-verify: true # host: bing.com # path: "/" # mux: true # headers: # custom: value # vmess # cipher支持 auto/aes-128-gcm/chacha20-poly1305/none - name: "vmess" type: vmess server: server port: 443 uuid: uuid alterId: 32 cipher: auto # udp: true # tls: true # fingerprint: xxxx # skip-cert-verify: true # servername: example.com # priority over wss host # network: ws # ws-opts: # path: /path # headers: # Host: v2ray.com # max-early-data: 2048 # early-data-header-name: Sec-WebSocket-Protocol - name: "vmess-h2" type: vmess server: server port: 443 uuid: uuid alterId: 32 cipher: auto network: h2 tls: true # fingerprint: xxxx h2-opts: host: - http.example.com - http-alt.example.com path: / - name: "vmess-http" type: vmess server: server port: 443 uuid: uuid alterId: 32 cipher: auto # udp: true # network: http # http-opts: # # method: "GET" # # path: # # - '/' # # - '/video' # # headers: # # Connection: # # - keep-alive # ip-version: ipv4 # 设置使用 IP 类型偏好,可选:ipv4,ipv6,dual,默认值:dual - name: vmess-grpc server: server port: 443 type: vmess uuid: uuid alterId: 32 cipher: auto network: grpc tls: true # fingerprint: xxxx servername: example.com # skip-cert-verify: true grpc-opts: grpc-service-name: "example" # ip-version: ipv4 # socks5 - name: "socks" type: socks5 server: server port: 443 # username: username # password: password # tls: true # fingerprint: xxxx # skip-cert-verify: true # udp: true # ip-version: ipv6 # http - name: "http" type: http server: server port: 443 # username: username # password: password # tls: true # https # skip-cert-verify: true # sni: custom.com # fingerprint: xxxx # 同 experimental.fingerprints 使用 sha256 指纹,配置协议独立的指纹,将忽略 experimental.fingerprints # ip-version: dual # Snell # Beware that there's currently no UDP support yet - name: "snell" type: snell server: server port: 44046 psk: yourpsk # version: 2 # obfs-opts: # mode: http # or tls # host: bing.com # Trojan - name: "trojan" type: trojan server: server port: 443 password: yourpsk # fingerprint: xxxx # udp: true # sni: example.com # aka server name # alpn: # - h2 # - http/1.1 # skip-cert-verify: true - name: trojan-grpc server: server port: 443 type: trojan password: "example" network: grpc sni: example.com # skip-cert-verify: true # fingerprint: xxxx udp: true grpc-opts: grpc-service-name: "example" - name: trojan-ws server: server port: 443 type: trojan password: "example" network: ws sni: example.com # skip-cert-verify: true # fingerprint: xxxx udp: true # ws-opts: # path: /path # headers: # Host: example.com - name: "trojan-xtls" type: trojan server: server port: 443 password: yourpsk flow: "xtls-rprx-direct" # xtls-rprx-origin xtls-rprx-direct flow-show: true # udp: true # sni: example.com # aka server name # skip-cert-verify: true # fingerprint: xxxx # vless - name: "vless-tcp" type: vless server: server port: 443 uuid: uuid network: tcp servername: example.com # AKA SNI # flow: xtls-rprx-direct # xtls-rprx-origin # enable XTLS # skip-cert-verify: true # fingerprint: xxxx - name: "vless-ws" type: vless server: server port: 443 uuid: uuid udp: true tls: true network: ws servername: example.com # priority over wss host # skip-cert-verify: true # fingerprint: xxxx ws-opts: path: "/" headers: Host: example.com #hysteria - name: "hysteria" type: hysteria server: server.com port: 443 auth_str: yourpassword # obfs: obfs_str # alpn: # - h3 protocol: udp # 支持 udp/wechat-video/faketcp up: "30 Mbps" # 若不写单位,默认为 Mbps down: "200 Mbps" # 若不写单位,默认为 Mbps #sni: server.com #skip-cert-verify: false #recv_window_conn: 12582912 #recv_window: 52428800 #ca: "./my.ca" #ca_str: "xyz" #disable_mtu_discovery: false # fingerprint: xxxx # ShadowsocksR # The supported ciphers (encryption methods): all stream ciphers in ss # The supported obfses: # plain http_simple http_post # random_head tls1.2_ticket_auth tls1.2_ticket_fastauth # The supported supported protocols: # origin auth_sha1_v4 auth_aes128_md5 # auth_aes128_sha1 auth_chain_a auth_chain_b - name: "ssr" type: ssr server: server port: 443 cipher: chacha20-ietf password: "password" obfs: tls1.2_ticket_auth protocol: auth_sha1_v4 # obfs-param: domain.tld # protocol-param: "#" # udp: true proxy-groups: # 代理链,若落地协议支持 UDP over TCP 则可支持 UDP # Traffic: clash <-> http <-> vmess <-> ss1 <-> ss2 <-> Internet - name: "relay" type: relay proxies: - http - vmess - ss1 - ss2 # url-test 将按照 url 测试结果使用延迟最低节点 - name: "auto" type: url-test proxies: - ss1 - ss2 - vmess1 # tolerance: 150 # lazy: true url: "http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204" interval: 300 # fallback 将按照 url 测试结果按照节点顺序选择 - name: "fallback-auto" type: fallback proxies: - ss1 - ss2 - vmess1 url: "http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204" interval: 300 # load-balance 将按照算法随机选择节点 - name: "load-balance" type: load-balance proxies: - ss1 - ss2 - vmess1 url: "http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204" interval: 300 # strategy: consistent-hashing # 可选 round-robin 和 sticky-sessions # select 用户自行选择节点 - name: Proxy type: select # disable-udp: true proxies: - ss1 - ss2 - vmess1 - auto # 配置指定 interface-name 和 fwmark 的 DIRECT - name: en1 type: select interface-name: en1 routing-mark: 6667 proxies: - DIRECT - name: UseProvider type: select filter: "HK|TW" # 正则表达式,过滤 provider1 中节点名包含 HK 或 TW use: - provider1 proxies: - Proxy - DIRECT # Clash 格式的节点或支持 *ray 的分享格式 proxy-providers: provider1: type: http url: "url" interval: 3600 path: ./provider1.yaml health-check: enable: true interval: 600 # lazy: true url: http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 test: type: file path: /test.yaml health-check: enable: true interval: 36000 url: http://www.gstatic.com/generate_204 rule-providers: rule1: behavior: classical # domain ipcidr interval: 259200 path: /path/to/save/file.yaml type: http url: "url" rule2: behavior: classical interval: 259200 path: /path/to/save/file.yaml type: file rules: - RULE-SET,rule1,REJECT - DOMAIN-SUFFIX,baidu.com,DIRECT - DOMAIN-KEYWORD,google,ss1 - IP-CIDR,,ss1 - IP-CIDR6,2409::/64,DIRECT - SUB-RULE,((OR,((NETWORK,TCP),(NETWORK,UDP)))),sub-rule-name1 # 当满足条件是 TCP 或 UDP 流量时,使用名为 sub-rule-name1 当规则集 - SUB-RULE,((AND,((NETWORK,UDP)))),sub-rule-name2 # 定义多个子规则集,规则将以分叉匹配,使用 SUB-RULE 使用 # google.com(not match)--> baidu.com(match) # / | # / | # https://baidu.com --> rule1 --> rule2 --> sub-rule-name1(match tcp) 使用 DIRECT # # # google.com(not match)--> baidu.com(not match) # / | # / | # dns --> rule1 --> rule2 --> sub-rule-name1(match udp) sub-rule-name2(match udp) # | # | # 使用 REJECT <-- # sub-rules: sub-rule-name1: - DOMAIN,google.com,ss1 - DOMAIN,baidu.com,DIRECT sub-rule-name2: - IP-CIDR,,REJECT - IP-CIDR,,ss1 - DOMAIN,dns.alidns.com,REJECT