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synced 2024-12-28 06:56:28 +08:00
* Revised the book * Update the book with the second revised edition * Revise base on the manuscript of the first edition
175 lines
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175 lines
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* File: hash_map_open_addressing.rs
* Created Time: 2023-07-16
* Author: WSL0809 (wslzzy@outlook.com), night-cruise (2586447362@qq.com)
mod array_hash_map;
use array_hash_map::Pair;
/* 开放寻址哈希表 */
struct HashMapOpenAddressing {
size: usize, // 键值对数量
capacity: usize, // 哈希表容量
load_thres: f64, // 触发扩容的负载因子阈值
extend_ratio: usize, // 扩容倍数
buckets: Vec<Option<Pair>>, // 桶数组
TOMBSTONE: Option<Pair>, // 删除标记
impl HashMapOpenAddressing {
/* 构造方法 */
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
size: 0,
capacity: 4,
load_thres: 2.0 / 3.0,
extend_ratio: 2,
buckets: vec![None; 4],
TOMBSTONE: Some(Pair {key: -1, val: "-1".to_string()}),
/* 哈希函数 */
fn hash_func(&self, key: i32) -> usize {
(key % self.capacity as i32) as usize
/* 负载因子 */
fn load_factor(&self) -> f64 {
self.size as f64 / self.capacity as f64
/* 搜索 key 对应的桶索引 */
fn find_bucket(&mut self, key: i32) -> usize {
let mut index = self.hash_func(key);
let mut first_tombstone = -1;
// 线性探测,当遇到空桶时跳出
while self.buckets[index].is_some() {
// 若遇到 key,返回对应的桶索引
if self.buckets[index].as_ref().unwrap().key == key {
// 若之前遇到了删除标记,则将建值对移动至该索引
if first_tombstone != -1 {
self.buckets[first_tombstone as usize] = self.buckets[index].take();
self.buckets[index] = self.TOMBSTONE.clone();
return first_tombstone as usize; // 返回移动后的桶索引
return index; // 返回桶索引
// 记录遇到的首个删除标记
if first_tombstone == -1 && self.buckets[index] == self.TOMBSTONE {
first_tombstone = index as i32;
// 计算桶索引,越过尾部则返回头部
index = (index + 1) % self.capacity;
// 若 key 不存在,则返回添加点的索引
if first_tombstone == -1 { index } else { first_tombstone as usize }
/* 查询操作 */
fn get(&mut self, key: i32) -> Option<&str> {
// 搜索 key 对应的桶索引
let index = self.find_bucket(key);
// 若找到键值对,则返回对应 val
if self.buckets[index].is_some() && self.buckets[index] != self.TOMBSTONE {
return self.buckets[index].as_ref().map(|pair| &pair.val as &str);
// 若键值对不存在,则返回 null
/* 添加操作 */
fn put(&mut self, key: i32, val: String) {
// 当负载因子超过阈值时,执行扩容
if self.load_factor() > self.load_thres {
// 搜索 key 对应的桶索引
let index = self.find_bucket(key);
// 若找到键值对,则覆盖 val 并返回
if self.buckets[index].is_some() && self.buckets[index] != self.TOMBSTONE {
self.buckets[index].as_mut().unwrap().val = val;
// 若键值对不存在,则添加该键值对
self.buckets[index] = Some(Pair { key, val });
self.size += 1;
/* 删除操作 */
fn remove(&mut self, key: i32) {
// 搜索 key 对应的桶索引
let index = self.find_bucket(key);
// 若找到键值对,则用删除标记覆盖它
if self.buckets[index].is_some() && self.buckets[index] != self.TOMBSTONE {
self.buckets[index] = self.TOMBSTONE.clone();
self.size -= 1;
/* 扩容哈希表 */
fn extend(&mut self) {
// 暂存原哈希表
let buckets_tmp = self.buckets.clone();
// 初始化扩容后的新哈希表
self.capacity *= self.extend_ratio;
self.buckets = vec![None; self.capacity];
self.size = 0;
// 将键值对从原哈希表搬运至新哈希表
for pair in buckets_tmp {
if pair.is_none() || pair == self.TOMBSTONE {
let pair = pair.unwrap();
self.put(pair.key, pair.val);
/* 打印哈希表 */
fn print(&self) {
for pair in &self.buckets {
if pair.is_none() {
} else if pair == &self.TOMBSTONE {
} else {
let pair = pair.as_ref().unwrap();
println!("{} -> {}", pair.key, pair.val);
/* Driver Code */
fn main() {
/* 初始化哈希表 */
let mut hashmap = HashMapOpenAddressing::new();
/* 添加操作 */
// 在哈希表中添加键值对 (key, value)
hashmap.put(12836, "小哈".to_string());
hashmap.put(15937, "小啰".to_string());
hashmap.put(16750, "小算".to_string());
hashmap.put(13276, "小法".to_string());
hashmap.put(10583, "小鸭".to_string());
println!("\n添加完成后,哈希表为\nKey -> Value");
/* 查询操作 */
// 向哈希表中输入键 key ,得到值 val
let name = hashmap.get(13276).unwrap();
println!("\n输入学号 13276 ,查询到姓名 {}", name);
/* 删除操作 */
// 在哈希表中删除键值对 (key, val)
println!("\n删除 16750 后,哈希表为\nKey -> Value");