Yudong Jin 3f4220de81
Bug fixes and improvements (#1380)
* preorder, inorder, postorder -> pre-order, in-order, post-order

* Bug fixes

* Bug fixes

* Update what_is_dsa.md

* Sync zh and zh-hant versions

* Sync zh and zh-hant versions.

* Update performance_evaluation.md and time_complexity.md

* Add @khoaxuantu to the landing page.

* Sync zh and zh-hant versions

* Add @ khoaxuantu to the landing page of zh-hant and en versions.
2024-05-31 16:39:06 +08:00

37 lines
876 B

File: climbing_stairs_backtrack.rb
Created Time: 2024-05-29
Author: Xuan Khoa Tu Nguyen (ngxktuzkai2000@gmail.com)
### 回溯 ###
def backtrack(choices, state, n, res)
# 當爬到第 n 階時,方案數量加 1
res[0] += 1 if state == n
# 走訪所有選擇
for choice in choices
# 剪枝:不允許越過第 n 階
next if state + choice > n
# 嘗試:做出選擇,更新狀態
backtrack(choices, state + choice, n, res)
# 回退
### 爬樓梯:回溯 ###
def climbing_stairs_backtrack(n)
choices = [1, 2] # 可選擇向上爬 1 階或 2 階
state = 0 # 從第 0 階開始爬
res = [0] # 使用 res[0] 記錄方案數量
backtrack(choices, state, n, res)
### Driver Code ###
if __FILE__ == $0
n = 9
res = climbing_stairs_backtrack(n)
puts "#{n} 階樓梯共有 #{res} 種方案"