""" File: extract_code_go.py Created Time: 2023-02-07 Author: Krahets (krahets@163.com) """ import re import glob import sys, os.path as osp sys.path.append(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.dirname(osp.abspath(__file__))))) from docs.utils.extract_code_java import ExtractCodeBlocksJava class ExtractCodeBlocksGo(ExtractCodeBlocksJava): def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() # Pattern to match function names and class names self.func_pattern = r'(\s*)func\s+(\(.+\))*\s*(\w+)\((.*)\)\s*(\S*)\s*{\n' self.class_pattern = r'(\s*)type\s+(\w+)' self.func_pattern_keys = ["total", "ind", "class", "label", "params", "return"] self.class_pattern_keys = ["total", "ind", "label"] def extract(self, file_path): """ Extract classes and functions from a markdown document """ if not osp.isfile(file_path): return None self.file_path = file_path with open(file_path) as f: self.lines = f.readlines() self.content = "".join(self.lines) # Detect and extract all the classes and fucntions classes = self.extract_class_blocks() funcs = self.extract_function_blocks(classes=classes) self.post_process(classes, funcs) return { "classes": classes, "funcs": funcs, } def extract_function_blocks(self, classes=None, class_label="", indentation=0): """ Extract all the functions with given indentation """ funcs = {} func_pattern = re.compile(self.func_pattern) for line_num in range(len(self.lines)): # Search the function header func_match = func_pattern.match(self.lines[line_num]) if func_match is None: continue header_line = line_num func_label = func_match.group(self.func_pattern_keys.index("label")) func_cls_label = func_match.group(self.func_pattern_keys.index("class")) func_return = func_match.group(self.func_pattern_keys.index("return")) def check_func_blong_to_class(label): class_label_pattern = re.compile(f".*\*{label}\).*") func_return_pattern = re.compile(f".*{label}.*") constructor_pattern = re.compile(f".*new.*") class_label_match = class_label_pattern.match(f"{func_cls_label}") func_return_match = func_return_pattern.match(f"{func_return}") constructor_match = constructor_pattern.match(func_label) return class_label_match, func_return_match, constructor_match if classes: # The function should not blong to any class flag = False for label in classes: # Match the target class label class_label_match, func_return_match, constructor_match = \ check_func_blong_to_class(label) if class_label_match is not None or \ func_return_match is not None and constructor_match is not None: flag = True if flag: continue elif class_label: # Match the target class label class_label_match, func_return_match, constructor_match = \ check_func_blong_to_class(class_label) if class_label_match is None and func_return_match is None or \ func_return_match is not None and constructor_match is None: continue # Search the block from the header line start_line, end_line, func_block = self.search_block( header_line, indentation) # Construct the funcs dict funcs[func_label] = { "indentation": indentation, "line_number": { "start": start_line, "end": end_line, "header": header_line, }, "block": func_block, } return funcs def extract_class_blocks(self): """ Extract all the classes with given indentation """ classes = {} class_pattern = re.compile(self.class_pattern) for line_num, line in enumerate(self.lines): # Search the class header class_match = class_pattern.match(line) if class_match is None: continue header_line = line_num # Search the block from the header line _, _, class_block = self.search_block( header_line, 0) # Construct the classes dict class_label = class_match.group(self.class_pattern_keys.index("label")) funcs = self.extract_function_blocks(class_label=class_label) # Merge function blocks to class_block for func in funcs.values(): class_block.append('\n') class_block += func["block"] classes[class_label] = { "indentation": 0, "line_number": { "header": header_line, }, "block": class_block, "funcs": funcs, } return classes def post_process(self, classes, funcs): """ Process the classes and functions """ def replace_tabs(x): for i, line in enumerate(x["block"]): x["block"][i] = line.replace("\t"," " * self.ind) def add_inds(x): for i, line in enumerate(x["block"]): if line != "\n": x["block"][i] = " " * self.ind + line for clas in classes.values(): replace_tabs(clas) for func in clas["funcs"].values(): replace_tabs(func) add_inds(func) for func in funcs.values(): replace_tabs(func) for code_path in glob.glob("codes/*/chapter_*/graph_adjacency_matrix.go"): ext = ExtractCodeBlocksGo() res = ext.extract(code_path) pass