/** * File: binary_search_tree.java * Created Time: 2022-11-25 * Author: krahets (krahets@163.com) */ package chapter_tree; import utils.*; /* Binary search tree */ class BinarySearchTree { private TreeNode root; /* Constructor */ public BinarySearchTree() { // Initialize empty tree root = null; } /* Get binary tree root node */ public TreeNode getRoot() { return root; } /* Search node */ public TreeNode search(int num) { TreeNode cur = root; // Loop find, break after passing leaf nodes while (cur != null) { // Target node is in cur's right subtree if (cur.val < num) cur = cur.right; // Target node is in cur's left subtree else if (cur.val > num) cur = cur.left; // Found target node, break loop else break; } // Return target node return cur; } /* Insert node */ public void insert(int num) { // If tree is empty, initialize root node if (root == null) { root = new TreeNode(num); return; } TreeNode cur = root, pre = null; // Loop find, break after passing leaf nodes while (cur != null) { // Found duplicate node, thus return if (cur.val == num) return; pre = cur; // Insertion position is in cur's right subtree if (cur.val < num) cur = cur.right; // Insertion position is in cur's left subtree else cur = cur.left; } // Insert node TreeNode node = new TreeNode(num); if (pre.val < num) pre.right = node; else pre.left = node; } /* Remove node */ public void remove(int num) { // If tree is empty, return if (root == null) return; TreeNode cur = root, pre = null; // Loop find, break after passing leaf nodes while (cur != null) { // Found node to be removed, break loop if (cur.val == num) break; pre = cur; // Node to be removed is in cur's right subtree if (cur.val < num) cur = cur.right; // Node to be removed is in cur's left subtree else cur = cur.left; } // If no node to be removed, return if (cur == null) return; // Number of child nodes = 0 or 1 if (cur.left == null || cur.right == null) { // When the number of child nodes = 0/1, child = null/that child node TreeNode child = cur.left != null ? cur.left : cur.right; // Remove node cur if (cur != root) { if (pre.left == cur) pre.left = child; else pre.right = child; } else { // If the removed node is the root, reassign the root root = child; } } // Number of child nodes = 2 else { // Get the next node in in-order traversal of cur TreeNode tmp = cur.right; while (tmp.left != null) { tmp = tmp.left; } // Recursively remove node tmp remove(tmp.val); // Replace cur with tmp cur.val = tmp.val; } } } public class binary_search_tree { public static void main(String[] args) { /* Initialize binary search tree */ BinarySearchTree bst = new BinarySearchTree(); // Note that different insertion orders can result in various tree structures. This particular sequence creates a perfect binary tree int[] nums = { 8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15 }; for (int num : nums) { bst.insert(num); } System.out.println("\nInitialized binary tree is\n"); PrintUtil.printTree(bst.getRoot()); /* Search node */ TreeNode node = bst.search(7); System.out.println("\nThe found node object is " + node + ", node value = " + node.val); /* Insert node */ bst.insert(16); System.out.println("\nAfter inserting node 16, the binary tree is\n"); PrintUtil.printTree(bst.getRoot()); /* Remove node */ bst.remove(1); System.out.println("\nAfter removing node 1, the binary tree is\n"); PrintUtil.printTree(bst.getRoot()); bst.remove(2); System.out.println("\nAfter removing node 2, the binary tree is\n"); PrintUtil.printTree(bst.getRoot()); bst.remove(4); System.out.println("\nAfter removing node 4, the binary tree is\n"); PrintUtil.printTree(bst.getRoot()); } }