comments: true
# 6.1 Hash Table
A "hash table", also known as a "hash map", achieves efficient element querying by establishing a mapping between keys and values. Specifically, when we input a `key` into the hash table, we can retrieve the corresponding `value` in $O(1)$ time.
As shown in the Figure 6-1 , given $n$ students, each with two pieces of data: "name" and "student number". If we want to implement a query feature that returns the corresponding name when given a student number, we can use the hash table shown in the Figure 6-1 .
![Abstract representation of a hash table](hash_map.assets/hash_table_lookup.png){ class="animation-figure" }
Figure 6-1 Abstract representation of a hash table
Apart from hash tables, arrays and linked lists can also be used to implement querying functions. Their efficiency is compared in the Table 6-1 .
- **Adding Elements**: Simply add the element to the end of the array (or linked list), using $O(1)$ time.
- **Querying Elements**: Since the array (or linked list) is unordered, it requires traversing all the elements, using $O(n)$ time.
- **Deleting Elements**: First, locate the element, then delete it from the array (or linked list), using $O(n)$ time.
## 6.1.2 Simple Implementation of Hash Table
First, let's consider the simplest case: **implementing a hash table using just an array**. In the hash table, each empty slot in the array is called a "bucket", and each bucket can store one key-value pair. Therefore, the query operation involves finding the bucket corresponding to the `key` and retrieving the `value` from it.
So, how do we locate the appropriate bucket based on the `key`? This is achieved through a "hash function". The role of the hash function is to map a larger input space to a smaller output space. In a hash table, the input space is all possible keys, and the output space is all buckets (array indices). In other words, input a `key`, **and we can use the hash function to determine the storage location of the corresponding key-value pair in the array**.
The calculation process of the hash function for a given `key` is divided into the following two steps:
1. Calculate the hash value using a certain hash algorithm `hash()`.
2. Take the modulus of the hash value with the number of buckets (array length) `capacity` to obtain the array index `index`.
index = hash(key) % capacity
Afterward, we can use `index` to access the corresponding bucket in the hash table and thereby retrieve the `value`.
Assuming array length `capacity = 100` and hash algorithm `hash(key) = key`, the hash function is `key % 100`. The Figure 6-2 uses `key` as the student number and `value` as the name to demonstrate the working principle of the hash function.
![Working principle of hash function](hash_map.assets/hash_function.png){ class="animation-figure" }
Figure 6-2 Working principle of hash function
The following code implements a simple hash table. Here, we encapsulate `key` and `value` into a class `Pair` to represent the key-value pair.
=== "Python"
```python title="array_hash_map.py"
class Pair:
def __init__(self, key: int, val: str):
self.key = key
self.val = val
class ArrayHashMap:
def __init__(self):
# 初始化数组,包含 100 个桶
self.buckets: list[Pair | None] = [None] * 100
def hash_func(self, key: int) -> int:
index = key % 100
return index
def get(self, key: int) -> str:
index: int = self.hash_func(key)
pair: Pair = self.buckets[index]
if pair is None:
return None
return pair.val
def put(self, key: int, val: str):
pair = Pair(key, val)
index: int = self.hash_func(key)
self.buckets[index] = pair
def remove(self, key: int):
index: int = self.hash_func(key)
# 置为 None ,代表删除
self.buckets[index] = None
def entry_set(self) -> list[Pair]:
result: list[Pair] = []
for pair in self.buckets:
if pair is not None:
return result
def key_set(self) -> list[int]:
result = []
for pair in self.buckets:
if pair is not None:
return result
def value_set(self) -> list[str]:
result = []
for pair in self.buckets:
if pair is not None:
return result
def print(self):
for pair in self.buckets:
if pair is not None:
print(pair.key, "->", pair.val)
=== "C++"
```cpp title="array_hash_map.cpp"
/* 键值对 */
struct Pair {
int key;
string val;
Pair(int key, string val) {
this->key = key;
this->val = val;
/* 基于数组实现的哈希表 */
class ArrayHashMap {
vector buckets;
ArrayHashMap() {
// 初始化数组,包含 100 个桶
buckets = vector(100);
~ArrayHashMap() {
// 释放内存
for (const auto &bucket : buckets) {
delete bucket;
/* 哈希函数 */
int hashFunc(int key) {
int index = key % 100;
return index;
/* 查询操作 */
string get(int key) {
int index = hashFunc(key);
Pair *pair = buckets[index];
if (pair == nullptr)
return "";
return pair->val;
/* 添加操作 */
void put(int key, string val) {
Pair *pair = new Pair(key, val);
int index = hashFunc(key);
buckets[index] = pair;
/* 删除操作 */
void remove(int key) {
int index = hashFunc(key);
// 释放内存并置为 nullptr
delete buckets[index];
buckets[index] = nullptr;
/* 获取所有键值对 */
vector pairSet() {
vector pairSet;
for (Pair *pair : buckets) {
if (pair != nullptr) {
return pairSet;
/* 获取所有键 */
vector keySet() {
vector keySet;
for (Pair *pair : buckets) {
if (pair != nullptr) {
return keySet;
/* 获取所有值 */
vector valueSet() {
vector valueSet;
for (Pair *pair : buckets) {
if (pair != nullptr) {
return valueSet;
/* 打印哈希表 */
void print() {
for (Pair *kv : pairSet()) {
cout << kv->key << " -> " << kv->val << endl;
=== "Java"
```java title="array_hash_map.java"
/* 键值对 */
class Pair {
public int key;
public String val;
public Pair(int key, String val) {
this.key = key;
this.val = val;
/* 基于数组实现的哈希表 */
class ArrayHashMap {
private List buckets;
public ArrayHashMap() {
// 初始化数组,包含 100 个桶
buckets = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
/* 哈希函数 */
private int hashFunc(int key) {
int index = key % 100;
return index;
/* 查询操作 */
public String get(int key) {
int index = hashFunc(key);
Pair pair = buckets.get(index);
if (pair == null)
return null;
return pair.val;
/* 添加操作 */
public void put(int key, String val) {
Pair pair = new Pair(key, val);
int index = hashFunc(key);
buckets.set(index, pair);
/* 删除操作 */
public void remove(int key) {
int index = hashFunc(key);
// 置为 null ,代表删除
buckets.set(index, null);
/* 获取所有键值对 */
public List pairSet() {
List pairSet = new ArrayList<>();
for (Pair pair : buckets) {
if (pair != null)
return pairSet;
/* 获取所有键 */
public List keySet() {
List keySet = new ArrayList<>();
for (Pair pair : buckets) {
if (pair != null)
return keySet;
/* 获取所有值 */
public List valueSet() {
List valueSet = new ArrayList<>();
for (Pair pair : buckets) {
if (pair != null)
return valueSet;
/* 打印哈希表 */
public void print() {
for (Pair kv : pairSet()) {
System.out.println(kv.key + " -> " + kv.val);
=== "C#"
```csharp title="array_hash_map.cs"
/* 键值对 int->string */
class Pair(int key, string val) {
public int key = key;
public string val = val;
/* 基于数组实现的哈希表 */
class ArrayHashMap {
List buckets;
public ArrayHashMap() {
// 初始化数组,包含 100 个桶
buckets = [];
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
/* 哈希函数 */
int HashFunc(int key) {
int index = key % 100;
return index;
/* 查询操作 */
public string? Get(int key) {
int index = HashFunc(key);
Pair? pair = buckets[index];
if (pair == null) return null;
return pair.val;
/* 添加操作 */
public void Put(int key, string val) {
Pair pair = new(key, val);
int index = HashFunc(key);
buckets[index] = pair;
/* 删除操作 */
public void Remove(int key) {
int index = HashFunc(key);
// 置为 null ,代表删除
buckets[index] = null;
/* 获取所有键值对 */
public List PairSet() {
List pairSet = [];
foreach (Pair? pair in buckets) {
if (pair != null)
return pairSet;
/* 获取所有键 */
public List KeySet() {
List keySet = [];
foreach (Pair? pair in buckets) {
if (pair != null)
return keySet;
/* 获取所有值 */
public List ValueSet() {
List valueSet = [];
foreach (Pair? pair in buckets) {
if (pair != null)
return valueSet;
/* 打印哈希表 */
public void Print() {
foreach (Pair kv in PairSet()) {
Console.WriteLine(kv.key + " -> " + kv.val);
=== "Go"
```go title="array_hash_map.go"
/* 键值对 */
type pair struct {
key int
val string
/* 基于数组实现的哈希表 */
type arrayHashMap struct {
buckets []*pair
/* 初始化哈希表 */
func newArrayHashMap() *arrayHashMap {
// 初始化数组,包含 100 个桶
buckets := make([]*pair, 100)
return &arrayHashMap{buckets: buckets}
/* 哈希函数 */
func (a *arrayHashMap) hashFunc(key int) int {
index := key % 100
return index
/* 查询操作 */
func (a *arrayHashMap) get(key int) string {
index := a.hashFunc(key)
pair := a.buckets[index]
if pair == nil {
return "Not Found"
return pair.val
/* 添加操作 */
func (a *arrayHashMap) put(key int, val string) {
pair := &pair{key: key, val: val}
index := a.hashFunc(key)
a.buckets[index] = pair
/* 删除操作 */
func (a *arrayHashMap) remove(key int) {
index := a.hashFunc(key)
// 置为 nil ,代表删除
a.buckets[index] = nil
/* 获取所有键对 */
func (a *arrayHashMap) pairSet() []*pair {
var pairs []*pair
for _, pair := range a.buckets {
if pair != nil {
pairs = append(pairs, pair)
return pairs
/* 获取所有键 */
func (a *arrayHashMap) keySet() []int {
var keys []int
for _, pair := range a.buckets {
if pair != nil {
keys = append(keys, pair.key)
return keys
/* 获取所有值 */
func (a *arrayHashMap) valueSet() []string {
var values []string
for _, pair := range a.buckets {
if pair != nil {
values = append(values, pair.val)
return values
/* 打印哈希表 */
func (a *arrayHashMap) print() {
for _, pair := range a.buckets {
if pair != nil {
fmt.Println(pair.key, "->", pair.val)
=== "Swift"
```swift title="array_hash_map.swift"
/* 键值对 */
class Pair: Equatable {
public var key: Int
public var val: String
public init(key: Int, val: String) {
self.key = key
self.val = val
public static func == (lhs: Pair, rhs: Pair) -> Bool {
lhs.key == rhs.key && lhs.val == rhs.val
/* 基于数组实现的哈希表 */
class ArrayHashMap {
private var buckets: [Pair?]
init() {
// 初始化数组,包含 100 个桶
buckets = Array(repeating: nil, count: 100)
/* 哈希函数 */
private func hashFunc(key: Int) -> Int {
let index = key % 100
return index
/* 查询操作 */
func get(key: Int) -> String? {
let index = hashFunc(key: key)
let pair = buckets[index]
return pair?.val
/* 添加操作 */
func put(key: Int, val: String) {
let pair = Pair(key: key, val: val)
let index = hashFunc(key: key)
buckets[index] = pair
/* 删除操作 */
func remove(key: Int) {
let index = hashFunc(key: key)
// 置为 nil ,代表删除
buckets[index] = nil
/* 获取所有键值对 */
func pairSet() -> [Pair] {
buckets.compactMap { $0 }
/* 获取所有键 */
func keySet() -> [Int] {
buckets.compactMap { $0?.key }
/* 获取所有值 */
func valueSet() -> [String] {
buckets.compactMap { $0?.val }
/* 打印哈希表 */
func print() {
for pair in pairSet() {
Swift.print("\(pair.key) -> \(pair.val)")
=== "JS"
```javascript title="array_hash_map.js"
/* 键值对 Number -> String */
class Pair {
constructor(key, val) {
this.key = key;
this.val = val;
/* 基于数组实现的哈希表 */
class ArrayHashMap {
constructor() {
// 初始化数组,包含 100 个桶
this.#buckets = new Array(100).fill(null);
/* 哈希函数 */
#hashFunc(key) {
return key % 100;
/* 查询操作 */
get(key) {
let index = this.#hashFunc(key);
let pair = this.#buckets[index];
if (pair === null) return null;
return pair.val;
/* 添加操作 */
set(key, val) {
let index = this.#hashFunc(key);
this.#buckets[index] = new Pair(key, val);
/* 删除操作 */
delete(key) {
let index = this.#hashFunc(key);
// 置为 null ,代表删除
this.#buckets[index] = null;
/* 获取所有键值对 */
entries() {
let arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.#buckets.length; i++) {
if (this.#buckets[i]) {
return arr;
/* 获取所有键 */
keys() {
let arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.#buckets.length; i++) {
if (this.#buckets[i]) {
return arr;
/* 获取所有值 */
values() {
let arr = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.#buckets.length; i++) {
if (this.#buckets[i]) {
return arr;
/* 打印哈希表 */
print() {
let pairSet = this.entries();
for (const pair of pairSet) {
console.info(`${pair.key} -> ${pair.val}`);
=== "TS"
```typescript title="array_hash_map.ts"
/* 键值对 Number -> String */
class Pair {
public key: number;
public val: string;
constructor(key: number, val: string) {
this.key = key;
this.val = val;
/* 基于数组实现的哈希表 */
class ArrayHashMap {
private readonly buckets: (Pair | null)[];
constructor() {
// 初始化数组,包含 100 个桶
this.buckets = new Array(100).fill(null);
/* 哈希函数 */
private hashFunc(key: number): number {
return key % 100;
/* 查询操作 */
public get(key: number): string | null {
let index = this.hashFunc(key);
let pair = this.buckets[index];
if (pair === null) return null;
return pair.val;
/* 添加操作 */
public set(key: number, val: string) {
let index = this.hashFunc(key);
this.buckets[index] = new Pair(key, val);
/* 删除操作 */
public delete(key: number) {
let index = this.hashFunc(key);
// 置为 null ,代表删除
this.buckets[index] = null;
/* 获取所有键值对 */
public entries(): (Pair | null)[] {
let arr: (Pair | null)[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.buckets.length; i++) {
if (this.buckets[i]) {
return arr;
/* 获取所有键 */
public keys(): (number | undefined)[] {
let arr: (number | undefined)[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.buckets.length; i++) {
if (this.buckets[i]) {
return arr;
/* 获取所有值 */
public values(): (string | undefined)[] {
let arr: (string | undefined)[] = [];
for (let i = 0; i < this.buckets.length; i++) {
if (this.buckets[i]) {
return arr;
/* 打印哈希表 */
public print() {
let pairSet = this.entries();
for (const pair of pairSet) {
console.info(`${pair.key} -> ${pair.val}`);
=== "Dart"
```dart title="array_hash_map.dart"
/* 键值对 */
class Pair {
int key;
String val;
Pair(this.key, this.val);
/* 基于数组实现的哈希表 */
class ArrayHashMap {
late List _buckets;
ArrayHashMap() {
// 初始化数组,包含 100 个桶
_buckets = List.filled(100, null);
/* 哈希函数 */
int _hashFunc(int key) {
final int index = key % 100;
return index;
/* 查询操作 */
String? get(int key) {
final int index = _hashFunc(key);
final Pair? pair = _buckets[index];
if (pair == null) {
return null;
return pair.val;
/* 添加操作 */
void put(int key, String val) {
final Pair pair = Pair(key, val);
final int index = _hashFunc(key);
_buckets[index] = pair;
/* 删除操作 */
void remove(int key) {
final int index = _hashFunc(key);
_buckets[index] = null;
/* 获取所有键值对 */
List pairSet() {
List pairSet = [];
for (final Pair? pair in _buckets) {
if (pair != null) {
return pairSet;
/* 获取所有键 */
List keySet() {
List keySet = [];
for (final Pair? pair in _buckets) {
if (pair != null) {
return keySet;
/* 获取所有值 */
List values() {
List valueSet = [];
for (final Pair? pair in _buckets) {
if (pair != null) {
return valueSet;
/* 打印哈希表 */
void printHashMap() {
for (final Pair kv in pairSet()) {
print("${kv.key} -> ${kv.val}");
=== "Rust"
```rust title="array_hash_map.rs"
/* 键值对 */
#[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq)]
pub struct Pair {
pub key: i32,
pub val: String,
/* 基于数组实现的哈希表 */
pub struct ArrayHashMap {
buckets: Vec