/** * File: array_binary_tree.java * Created Time: 2023-07-19 * Author: krahets (krahets@163.com) */ package chapter_tree; import utils.*; import java.util.*; /* Array-based binary tree class */ class ArrayBinaryTree { private List tree; /* Constructor */ public ArrayBinaryTree(List arr) { tree = new ArrayList<>(arr); } /* List capacity */ public int size() { return tree.size(); } /* Get the value of the node at index i */ public Integer val(int i) { // If the index is out of bounds, return null, representing an empty spot if (i < 0 || i >= size()) return null; return tree.get(i); } /* Get the index of the left child of the node at index i */ public Integer left(int i) { return 2 * i + 1; } /* Get the index of the right child of the node at index i */ public Integer right(int i) { return 2 * i + 2; } /* Get the index of the parent of the node at index i */ public Integer parent(int i) { return (i - 1) / 2; } /* Level-order traversal */ public List levelOrder() { List res = new ArrayList<>(); // Traverse array for (int i = 0; i < size(); i++) { if (val(i) != null) res.add(val(i)); } return res; } /* Depth-first traversal */ private void dfs(Integer i, String order, List res) { // If it is an empty spot, return if (val(i) == null) return; // Pre-order traversal if ("pre".equals(order)) res.add(val(i)); dfs(left(i), order, res); // In-order traversal if ("in".equals(order)) res.add(val(i)); dfs(right(i), order, res); // Post-order traversal if ("post".equals(order)) res.add(val(i)); } /* Pre-order traversal */ public List preOrder() { List res = new ArrayList<>(); dfs(0, "pre", res); return res; } /* In-order traversal */ public List inOrder() { List res = new ArrayList<>(); dfs(0, "in", res); return res; } /* Post-order traversal */ public List postOrder() { List res = new ArrayList<>(); dfs(0, "post", res); return res; } } public class array_binary_tree { public static void main(String[] args) { // Initialize binary tree // Use a specific function to convert an array into a binary tree List arr = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, null, 6, 7, 8, 9, null, null, 12, null, null, 15); TreeNode root = TreeNode.listToTree(arr); System.out.println("\nInitialize binary tree\n"); System.out.println("Array representation of the binary tree:"); System.out.println(arr); System.out.println("Linked list representation of the binary tree:"); PrintUtil.printTree(root); // Array-based binary tree class ArrayBinaryTree abt = new ArrayBinaryTree(arr); // Access node int i = 1; Integer l = abt.left(i); Integer r = abt.right(i); Integer p = abt.parent(i); System.out.println("\nThe current node's index is " + i + ", value = " + abt.val(i)); System.out.println("Its left child's index is " + l + ", value = " + (l == null ? "null" : abt.val(l))); System.out.println("Its right child's index is " + r + ", value = " + (r == null ? "null" : abt.val(r))); System.out.println("Its parent's index is " + p + ", value = " + (p == null ? "null" : abt.val(p))); // Traverse tree List res = abt.levelOrder(); System.out.println("\nLevel-order traversal is:" + res); res = abt.preOrder(); System.out.println("Pre-order traversal is:" + res); res = abt.inOrder(); System.out.println("In-order traversal is:" + res); res = abt.postOrder(); System.out.println("Post-order traversal is:" + res); } }