mirror of
synced 2024-12-24 04:16:29 +08:00
Update README.md
Remove build utils.
This commit is contained in:
14 changed files with 21 additions and 862 deletions
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<h3 align="center">
《 Hello,算法 》
《 Hello 算法 》
<p align="center">
@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
- 全书采用动画图解,结构化地讲解数据结构与算法知识,内容清晰易懂、学习曲线平滑;
- 算法源代码皆可一键运行,现已支持 Java, C++, Python, Go, JS, TS, C#, Swift, Zig 等语言;
- 算法源代码皆可一键运行,支持 Java, C++, Python, Go, JS, TS, C#, Swift, Zig 等语言;
- 鼓励读者在章节讨论区互帮互助、共同进步,提问与评论一般能在两日内得到回复;
如果本书对您有所帮助,请点个 Star :star: 支持一下,谢谢!
@ -51,11 +51,11 @@
## 参与写作
我们正在加速更新本书,期待您通过提交 Pull Request 来[参与创作](https://www.hello-algo.com/chapter_preface/contribution/),以帮助其他读者获取更优质的学习内容。
我们正在加速更新本书,期待您通过提交 Pull Request 来[参与本项目](https://www.hello-algo.com/chapter_preface/contribution/),以帮助其他读者获取更优质的学习内容。
- 如您发现语法错误、内容缺失、文字歧义、无效链接、解释不清晰等问题,烦请帮忙修正或评论指出;
- 期待您参与 C++, Python, Go, JavaScript, TypeScript, C, C#, Swift, Zig, Rust [代码翻译](https://github.com/krahets/hello-algo/issues/15);
- 欢迎您拓展内容或新增章节,若有任何问题请与我联系 WeChat: krahets-jyd ;
- 如您发现语法错误、内容缺失、文字歧义、无效链接、解释不清晰等问题,请帮忙修正或评论指出;
- 期待您参与 C++, Python, Go, JavaScript, TypeScript, C, C#, Swift, Zig, Rust, Dart 等语言[代码翻译](https://github.com/krahets/hello-algo/issues/15);
- 欢迎为您本书内容提出宝贵的意见建议,若有任何问题请提 Issues 或与我联系 WeChat: krahets-jyd ;
@ -8,58 +8,44 @@ comments: true
纸质书籍的两次印刷的间隔时间往往需要数年,内容更新非常不方便。</br>但在本开源 HTML 书中,内容更迭的时间被缩短至数日甚至几个小时。
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5. 刷新仓库网页,点击“Create pull request”按钮发起拉取请求即可;
## Docker 部署
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cd hello-algo
docker-compose up -d
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docker-compose down
@ -1 +0,0 @@
@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
File: build_markdown_docs.py
Created Time: 2023-02-06
Author: Krahets (krahets@163.com)
import sys, os.path as osp
import re
import glob
import shutil
from docs.utils.number_headings import number_headings
from docs.utils.extract_code_python import ExtractCodeBlocksPython
from docs.utils.extract_code_java import ExtractCodeBlocksJava
from docs.utils.extract_code_cpp import ExtractCodeBlocksCpp
from docs.utils.extract_code_jsts import ExtractCodeBlocksJSTS
from docs.utils.extract_code_swift import ExtractCodeBlocksSwift
from docs.utils.extract_code_csharp import ExtractCodeBlocksCSharp
from docs.utils.extract_code_go import ExtractCodeBlocksGo
from docs.utils.extract_code_zig import ExtractCodeBlocksZig
def build_code_blocks(md_path):
with open(md_path, "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
code_blocks_dict = {}
file_pattern = re.compile(r'\s*```(\w+)\s+title="(.+)"')
src_pattern = re.compile(r'\s*\[class\]\{(.*?)\}-\[func\]\{(.*?)\}')
i = 0
while i < len(lines):
# Find the line target to the source codes
src_match = src_pattern.match(lines[i])
if src_match is None:
i += 1
for j in range(i - 1, -1 ,-1):
file_match = file_pattern.match(lines[j])
if file_match is not None:
# Get the coresponding language code extractor
lang = file_match[1]
file_name = file_match[2]
if lang not in extractor_dict:
print(f"warning: {lang} is not in the extractor_dict")
i += 1
extractor = extractor_dict[lang]
# Get code blocks
if file_name not in code_blocks_dict:
code_blocks = extractor.extract(
file_path=osp.dirname(md_path).replace("docs/", f"codes/{lang}/") + f"/{file_name}")
if code_blocks is None:
i += 1
code_blocks_dict[file_name] = code_blocks
header_line = i
class_label = src_match[1]
func_label = src_match[2]
code_blocks = code_blocks_dict[file_name]
# Add the class to the doc
if not func_label and class_label:
if class_label in code_blocks["classes"]:
class_block = code_blocks["classes"][class_label]["block"]
for code_line in class_block[::-1]:
ind = " " * 4 if code_line != "\n" else ""
lines.insert(header_line, ind + code_line)
# Add the function to the doc
elif func_label and not class_label:
if func_label in code_blocks["funcs"]:
func_block = code_blocks["funcs"][func_label]
for code_line in func_block["block"][::-1]:
ind = " " * 4 if code_line != "\n" else ""
lines.insert(header_line, ind + code_line)
# Add the class method to the doc
elif func_label and class_label:
if class_label in code_blocks["classes"]:
class_dict = code_blocks["classes"][class_label]
if func_label in class_dict["funcs"]:
func_block = class_dict["funcs"][func_label]
for code_line in func_block["block"][::-1]:
lines.insert(header_line, code_line)
i += 1
with open(md_path.replace("docs/", "build/"), "w") as f:
print(f"Built {md_path}")
extractor_dict = {
"java": ExtractCodeBlocksJava(),
"python": ExtractCodeBlocksPython(),
"cpp": ExtractCodeBlocksCpp(),
"go": ExtractCodeBlocksGo(),
"javascript": ExtractCodeBlocksJSTS(),
"typescript": ExtractCodeBlocksJSTS(),
"swift": ExtractCodeBlocksSwift(),
"csharp": ExtractCodeBlocksCSharp(),
"zig": ExtractCodeBlocksZig(),
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Copy files to the build dir
shutil.copytree("docs", "build", dirs_exist_ok=True)
# Build code blocks
for md_path in glob.glob("docs/chapter_*/*.md"):
# Build headings
number_headings("mkdocs.yml", "build")
@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
python docs/utils/build_markdown.py
while true; do
read -p "Do you wish to deploy the site? [y] [n]" yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* ) make install; break;;
[Nn]* ) exit;;
* ) echo "Please answer yes[y] or no[n].";;
# push the built docs
cd build
git add .
git commit -m "build"
git push -u origin docs
cd ..
# Build mkdocs
mkdocs build --clean
# deploy the site
cd site
git add .
git commit -m "deploy"
git push -u origin gh-pages
cd ..
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
File: extract_code_cpp.py
Created Time: 2023-02-07
Author: Krahets (krahets@163.com)
import re
import glob
import sys, os.path as osp
from docs.utils.extract_code_java import ExtractCodeBlocksJava
class ExtractCodeBlocksCpp(ExtractCodeBlocksJava):
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Pattern to match function names and class names
self.func_pattern = r'(\s*)(static|)\s*(|\S+)\s*(\w+)(\(.*\))\s+\{'
self.class_pattern = r'(public|)\s*(class|struct)\s+(\w+)\s*\{'
self.func_pattern_keys = ["total", "ind", "static", "return", "label", "args"]
self.class_pattern_keys = ["total", "scope", "type", "label"]
# for code_path in glob.glob("codes/cpp/chapter_*/my_heap.cpp"):
# ext = ExtractCodeBlocksCpp()
# ext.extract(code_path)
@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
File: extract_code_csharp.py
Created Time: 2023-02-07
Author: Krahets (krahets@163.com)
import re
import glob
import sys, os.path as osp
from docs.utils.extract_code_java import ExtractCodeBlocksJava
class ExtractCodeBlocksCSharp(ExtractCodeBlocksJava):
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Pattern to match function names and class names
self.func_pattern = r'(\s*)(public|private|)\s*(static|)\s*(|\S+)\s*(\w+)(\(.*\))'
self.class_pattern = r'(public|)\s*(class|struct)\s+(\w+)\s*\n'
self.func_pattern_keys = ["total", "ind", "scope", "static", "return", "label", "args"]
self.class_pattern_keys = ["total", "scope", "type", "label"]
# for code_path in glob.glob("codes/csharp/chapter_*/array.cs"):
# ext = ExtractCodeBlocksCSharp()
# res = ext.extract(code_path)
# pass
@ -1,178 +0,0 @@
File: extract_code_go.py
Created Time: 2023-02-07
Author: Krahets (krahets@163.com)
import re
import glob
import sys, os.path as osp
from docs.utils.extract_code_java import ExtractCodeBlocksJava
class ExtractCodeBlocksGo(ExtractCodeBlocksJava):
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Pattern to match function names and class names
self.func_pattern = r'(\s*)func\s+(\(.+\))*\s*(\w+)\((.*)\)\s*(\S*)\s*{\n'
self.class_pattern = r'(\s*)type\s+(\w+)'
self.func_pattern_keys = ["total", "ind", "class", "label", "params", "return"]
self.class_pattern_keys = ["total", "ind", "label"]
def extract(self, file_path):
Extract classes and functions from a markdown document
if not osp.isfile(file_path):
return None
self.file_path = file_path
with open(file_path) as f:
self.lines = f.readlines()
self.content = "".join(self.lines)
# Detect and extract all the classes and fucntions
classes = self.extract_class_blocks()
funcs = self.extract_function_blocks(classes=classes)
self.post_process(classes, funcs)
return {
"classes": classes,
"funcs": funcs,
def extract_function_blocks(self, classes=None, class_label="", indentation=0):
Extract all the functions with given indentation
funcs = {}
func_pattern = re.compile(self.func_pattern)
for line_num in range(len(self.lines)):
# Search the function header
func_match = func_pattern.match(self.lines[line_num])
if func_match is None:
header_line = line_num
func_label = func_match.group(self.func_pattern_keys.index("label"))
func_cls_label = func_match.group(self.func_pattern_keys.index("class"))
func_return = func_match.group(self.func_pattern_keys.index("return"))
def check_func_blong_to_class(label):
class_label_pattern = re.compile(f".*\*{label}\).*")
func_return_pattern = re.compile(f".*{label}.*")
constructor_pattern = re.compile(f".*new.*")
class_label_match = class_label_pattern.match(f"{func_cls_label}")
func_return_match = func_return_pattern.match(f"{func_return}")
constructor_match = constructor_pattern.match(func_label)
return class_label_match, func_return_match, constructor_match
if classes:
# The function should not blong to any class
flag = False
for label in classes:
# Match the target class label
class_label_match, func_return_match, constructor_match = \
if class_label_match is not None or \
func_return_match is not None and constructor_match is not None:
flag = True
if flag:
elif class_label:
# Match the target class label
class_label_match, func_return_match, constructor_match = \
if class_label_match is None and func_return_match is None or \
func_return_match is not None and constructor_match is None:
# Search the block from the header line
start_line, end_line, func_block = self.search_block(
header_line, indentation)
# Construct the funcs dict
funcs[func_label] = {
"indentation": indentation,
"line_number": {
"start": start_line,
"end": end_line,
"header": header_line,
"block": func_block,
return funcs
def extract_class_blocks(self):
Extract all the classes with given indentation
classes = {}
class_pattern = re.compile(self.class_pattern)
for line_num, line in enumerate(self.lines):
# Search the class header
class_match = class_pattern.match(line)
if class_match is None:
header_line = line_num
# Search the block from the header line
_, _, class_block = self.search_block(
header_line, 0)
# Construct the classes dict
class_label = class_match.group(self.class_pattern_keys.index("label"))
funcs = self.extract_function_blocks(class_label=class_label)
# Merge function blocks to class_block
for func in funcs.values():
class_block += func["block"]
classes[class_label] = {
"indentation": 0,
"line_number": {
"header": header_line,
"block": class_block,
"funcs": funcs,
return classes
def post_process(self, classes, funcs):
Process the classes and functions
def replace_tabs(x):
for i, line in enumerate(x["block"]):
x["block"][i] = line.replace("\t"," " * self.ind)
def add_inds(x):
for i, line in enumerate(x["block"]):
if line != "\n":
x["block"][i] = " " * self.ind + line
for clas in classes.values():
for func in clas["funcs"].values():
for func in funcs.values():
for code_path in glob.glob("codes/*/chapter_*/graph_adjacency_matrix.go"):
ext = ExtractCodeBlocksGo()
res = ext.extract(code_path)
@ -1,168 +0,0 @@
File: extract_code_java.py
Created Time: 2023-02-07
Author: Krahets (krahets@163.com)
import re
import glob
import sys, os.path as osp
class ExtractCodeBlocksJava:
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.ind = 4
# Pattern to match function names and class names
self.func_pattern = r'(\s*)(public|private|)\s*(static|)\s*(\S+)\s+(\w+)(\(.*\))\s+\{'
self.class_pattern = r'(public|)\s*class\s+(\w+)\s*\{'
self.func_pattern_keys = ["total", "ind", "scope", "static", "return", "label", "args"]
self.class_pattern_keys = ["total", "scope", "label"]
# Pattern to match the start and end of a block
self.block_start_pattern = '^\s{ind}\/\*.+\*\/'
self.block_end_pattern = '^\s{ind}\}'
self.block_start_shift = 0
self.block_end_shift = 0
def extract(self, file_path):
Extract classes and functions from a markdown document
if not osp.isfile(file_path):
return None
self.file_path = file_path
with open(file_path) as f:
self.lines = f.readlines()
self.content = "".join(self.lines)
# Detect and extract all the classes and fucntions
classes = self.extract_class_blocks()
funcs = self.extract_function_blocks()
self.post_process(classes, funcs)
return {
"classes": classes,
"funcs": funcs,
def search_block(self, header_line, indentation):
Search class/function block given the header_line and indentation
start_line, end_line = 0, len(self.lines)
block_end_pattern = re.compile(
self.block_end_pattern.replace("ind", str(indentation)))
block_start_pattern = re.compile(
self.block_start_pattern.replace("ind", str(indentation)))
# Search the code
for i in range(header_line + 1, len(self.lines)):
if re.match(block_end_pattern, self.lines[i]) is not None:
end_line = i + self.block_end_shift
# Search the header comment
for i in range(header_line - 1, -1, -1):
if re.search(block_start_pattern, self.lines[i]) is not None:
start_line = i + self.block_start_shift
return start_line, end_line, self.lines[start_line:end_line + 1]
def extract_function_blocks(self, indentation=0, start_line=-1, end_line=-1):
Extract all the functions with given indentation
funcs = {}
if start_line == -1:
start_line = 0
if end_line == -1:
end_line = len(self.lines) - 1
func_pattern = re.compile(self.func_pattern)
for line_num in range(start_line, end_line + 1):
# Search the function header
func_match = func_pattern.match(self.lines[line_num])
if func_match is None:
# The function should match the input indentation
if len(func_match.group(self.func_pattern_keys.index("ind"))) != indentation:
header_line = line_num
# Search the block from the header line
start_line, end_line, func_block = self.search_block(
header_line, indentation)
# Construct the funcs dict
func_label = func_match.group(self.func_pattern_keys.index("label"))
funcs[func_label] = {
"indentation": indentation,
"line_number": {
"start": start_line,
"end": end_line,
"header": header_line,
"block": func_block,
return funcs
def extract_class_blocks(self):
Extract all the classes with given indentation
classes = {}
class_pattern = re.compile(self.class_pattern)
for line_num, line in enumerate(self.lines):
# Search the class header
class_match = class_pattern.match(line)
if class_match is None:
header_line = line_num
# Search the block from the header line
start_line, end_line, class_block = self.search_block(
header_line, 0)
# Construct the classes dict
class_label = class_match.group(self.class_pattern_keys.index("label"))
classes[class_label] = {
"indentation": 0,
"line_number": {
"start": start_line,
"end": end_line,
"header": header_line,
"block": class_block,
"funcs": self.extract_function_blocks(
indentation=self.ind, start_line=start_line, end_line=end_line)
return classes
def post_process(self, classes, funcs):
Process the classes and functions
def remove_keyword(func):
block = func["block"]
header_line = func["line_number"]["header"] - \
block[header_line] = block[header_line] \
.replace("static ", "", 1).replace("public ", "", 1).replace("private ", "", 1)
for clas in classes.values():
for func in clas["funcs"].values():
for func in funcs.values():
# ext = ExtractCodeBlocksJava()
# ext.extract("codes/java/chapter_array_and_linkedlist/my_list.java")
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
File: extract_code_jsts.py
Created Time: 2023-02-07
Author: Krahets (krahets@163.com)
import re
import glob
import sys, os.path as osp
from docs.utils.extract_code_java import ExtractCodeBlocksJava
class ExtractCodeBlocksJSTS(ExtractCodeBlocksJava):
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Pattern to match function names and class names
self.func_pattern = r'(\s*)(function|private|public|)\s*(\S*)\(.*\)(:|)\s*(.*)\s+{\s*\n'
self.class_pattern = r'(public|)\s*class\s+(\w+)\s*\{'
self.func_pattern_keys = ["total", "ind", "prefix", "label", ":", "return"]
self.class_pattern_keys = ["total", "scope", "label"]
@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
File: extract_code_python.py
Created Time: 2023-02-07
Author: Krahets (krahets@163.com)
import re
import glob
import sys, os.path as osp
from docs.utils.extract_code_java import ExtractCodeBlocksJava
class ExtractCodeBlocksPython(ExtractCodeBlocksJava):
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Pattern to match function names and class names
self.func_pattern = r'(\s*)def\s+(\w+)\s*\('
self.class_pattern = r'class\s+(\w+)'
self.func_pattern_keys = ["total", "ind", "label"]
self.class_pattern_keys = ["total", "label"]
# Pattern to match the start and end of a block
self.block_end_pattern = '^\s{0,ind}\S+.*\n'
self.block_start_pattern = '^\s{ind}""".+'
self.block_start_shift = 0
self.block_end_shift = -1
def post_process(self, classes, funcs):
Process the classes and functions
def remove_empty_lines(func):
start_line, end_line = func["line_number"]["start"], func["line_number"]["end"]
block = func["block"]
# Remove empty lines at bottom
for i in range(len(block) - 1, -1, -1):
if re.search("^\s*\n", block[i]) is None:
end_line -= 1
func["line_number"]["end"] = end_line
func["block"] = block[:end_line - start_line + 1]
for clas in classes.values():
for func in clas["funcs"].values():
for func in funcs.values():
@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
File: extract_code_swift.py
Created Time: 2023-02-08
Author: Krahets (krahets@163.com)
import re
import glob
import sys, os.path as osp
from docs.utils.extract_code_java import ExtractCodeBlocksJava
class ExtractCodeBlocksSwift(ExtractCodeBlocksJava):
def __init__(self) -> None:
# Pattern to match function names and class names
self.func_pattern = r'(\s*)(public|private|)\s*(static|)\s*(func|)\s*(\w+)\(.*\).+{\s*\n'
self.class_pattern = r'(public|)\s*class\s+(\w+)\s*\{'
self.func_pattern_keys = ["total", "ind", "scope", "static", "func", "label"]
self.class_pattern_keys = ["total", "scope", "label"]
@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
File: extract_code_zig.py
Created Time: 2023-02-07
Author: Krahets (krahets@163.com)
import re
import glob
import sys, os.path as osp
from docs.utils.extract_code_java import ExtractCodeBlocksJava
class ExtractCodeBlocksZig(ExtractCodeBlocksJava):
def __init__(self) -> None:
self.ind = 4
# Pattern to match function names and class names
self.func_pattern = r'(\s*)(pub|)\s*fn\s+(\w+)\(.+\)\s*(.+)\s*{\n'
self.class_pattern = r'(\s*)(pub|)\s*(fn|const)\s+(\w+)\(*.+\)*\s*(type|struct)\s*{\n'
self.func_pattern_keys = ["total", "ind", "scope", "label", "return"]
self.class_pattern_keys = ["total", "ind", "scope", "type", "label", "struct"]
# Pattern to match the start and end of a block
self.block_start_pattern = '^\s*\n'
self.block_start_shift = 1
def extract_class_blocks(self):
Extract all the classes with given indentation
classes = {}
class_pattern = re.compile(self.class_pattern)
for line_num, line in enumerate(self.lines):
# Search the class header
class_match = class_pattern.match(line)
if class_match is None:
header_line = line_num
# Search the block from the header line
start_line, end_line, class_block = self.search_block(
header_line, 0)
# Construct the classes dict
class_label = class_match.group(self.class_pattern_keys.index("label"))
# Define the indentation by the class type
class_type = class_match.group(self.class_pattern_keys.index("type"))
self.ind = 8 if class_type == "fn" else 4
classes[class_label] = {
"indentation": 0,
"line_number": {
"start": start_line,
"end": end_line,
"header": header_line,
"block": class_block,
"funcs": self.extract_function_blocks(
indentation=self.ind, start_line=start_line, end_line=end_line)
return classes
def post_process(self, classes, funcs):
Process the classes and functions
def remove_keyword(func):
block = func["block"]
header_line = func["line_number"]["header"] - \
block[header_line] = block[header_line].replace("pub ", "", 1)
for clas in classes.values():
for func in clas["funcs"].values():
if func["indentation"] == 8:
for i, line in enumerate(func["block"]):
func["block"][i] = line[4:]
for func in funcs.values():
# for code_path in glob.glob("codes/*/chapter_*/my_heap.zig"):
# ext = ExtractCodeBlocksZig()
# res = ext.extract(code_path)
# pass
@ -1,87 +0,0 @@
File: number_headings.py
Created Time: 2023-02-16
Author: Krahets (krahets@163.com)
import re
def get_heading_info_from_nav(mkdocs_path):
Get heading info from mkdocs navigation
with open(mkdocs_path) as f:
lines = f.readlines()[125:]
# Get nav lines
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
if "nav:" in line:
lines = lines[i:]
# Search articles
articles = []
for line in lines:
level = 0
level_re = None
while level_re is None and level < 3:
level += 1
level_pat = level * " "
level_pat = f"^{level_pat}- \d"
level_re = re.search(level_pat, line)
# Only add articles with heading level 2
if level != 2:
number_pat = level * "\d+."
number_re = re.search(number_pat, line)
number = re.search(number_pat, line).group(0) if number_re else None
file_path = re.search("\S+\/\S+\.md", line).group(0)
article = {
"level": level,
"number": number,
"file_path": file_path
print(f"{file_path}, heading number is {number}")
return articles
def number_article(article, base_dir="build"):
Number a doc
with open(f"{base_dir}/{article['file_path']}", "r") as f:
lines = f.readlines()
# Add h1, h2 heading numbers
h2_count = 1
for i, line in enumerate(lines):
h1_re = re.search("^(#)\s+\S+", line)
if h1_re is not None:
h1 = h1_re.group(1)
lines[i] = line.replace(h1, f"# {article['number']}")
h2_re = re.search("^(##)\s+\S+", line)
if h2_re is not None:
h2 = h2_re.group(1)
lines[i] = line.replace(h2, f"## {article['number']}{h2_count}.")
h2_count += 1
with open(f"{base_dir}/{article['file_path']}", "w") as f:
def number_headings(mkdocs_path, build_dir):
Build headings
articles = get_heading_info_from_nav(mkdocs_path)
for article in articles:
number_article(article, base_dir=build_dir)
Reference in a new issue