1 changed files with 223 additions and 0 deletions
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Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
# by weilinfox~
# 支持四则运算,括号和浮点数,可以省略部分乘号
# 支持语法检查
from zzcore import StdAns
def reportErr (errorNo, ch):
if (errorNo == 1):
return ch + "是什么东西嘛,哼!"
elif (errorNo == 2):
return "括号一个一个对不起来了啦~"
elif (errorNo == 3):
return ch + "都不会用了嘿!"
elif (errorNo == 4):
return "一个数小数点那么多拿来做什么嘞!"
elif (errorNo == 5):
return "多出来的小数点很孤单的啦~"
return "啊呀呀这是啥错误啊?问问狸去:" + ch
def supportCh (ch):
if (ch.isdigit()):
return True;
elif (ch == "+" or ch == "-" or ch == "*" or ch == "/" or ch == '.'):
return True
elif (ch == '(' or ch == ')'):
return True
return False
def exprCal (ch):
mulflag = False
plusflag = False
for i in range(0, len(ch), 1):
if (ch[i] == "+" or ch[i] == '-'):
plusflag = True;
elif (ch[i] == '*' or ch[i] == '/'):
mulflag = True;
if (mulflag and plusflag):
if (not mulflag and not plusflag):
return ch;
elif (mulflag and plusflag):
while (1):
fmul = lmul = 0
i = 0
for c in ch:
if (c == '*' or c == '/'):
if (fmul == 0):
fmul = i
lmul = i
elif (fmul != 0 and (c == '+' or c == '-')):
i += 1
if (fmul == 0 and lmul == 0):
fmul -= 1
lmul += 1
while (fmul >= 0 and (ch[fmul].isdigit() or ch[fmul] == '.')):
fmul -= 1
while (lmul < len(ch) and (ch[lmul].isdigit() or ch[lmul] == '.')):
lmul += 1
fmul += 1
ch = ch[:fmul] + exprCal(ch[fmul:lmul]) + ch[lmul:]
# print(ch)
return exprCal(ch)
elif (mulflag):
while (1):
fst = lst = 0
i = 0
for c in ch:
if (c == '*' or c == '/'):
if (fst == 0):
fst = i
lst = i
i += 1
if (lst == 0):
num2 = float(ch[fst+1:])
num1 = float(ch[:fst])
if (ch[fst] == '*'):
return str(num1 * num2)
elif (ch[fst] == '/'):
return str(num1 / num2)
ch = exprCal(ch[:lst]) + ch[lst:]
elif (plusflag):
while (1):
fst = lst = 0
i = 0
for c in ch:
if (c == '+' or c == '-'):
if (fst == 0):
fst = i
lst = i
i += 1
if (lst == 0):
num2 = float(ch[fst+1:])
num1 = float(ch[:fst])
if (ch[fst] == '+'):
return str(num1 + num2)
elif (ch[fst] == '-'):
return str(num1 - num2)
ch = exprCal(ch[:lst]) + ch[lst:]
def bracketExprCal (ch):
fbr = lbr = -1
i = 0
for c in ch:
if (c == '('):
fbr = i
elif (c == ')'):
lbr = i
i += 1
if (fbr == -1):
return exprCal(ch)
if (lbr+1 >= len(ch)):
# print(ch)
return bracketExprCal(ch[:fbr] + bracketExprCal(ch[fbr+1:lbr]))
# print(ch)
return bracketExprCal(ch[:fbr] + bracketExprCal(ch[fbr+1:lbr]) + ch[lbr+1:])
def bcMain(com):
com = com.replace(" ", "")
com = com.replace("\'", "")
com = com.replace("\"", "")
com = com.replace(",", ".")
com = com.replace("{", "(")
com = com.replace("}", ")")
com = com.replace("[", "(")
com = com.replace("]", ")")
com = com.replace("x", "*")
com = com.replace("X", "*")
for i in range(1, len(com)-1, 1):
if (com[i] == '(' and (com[i-1].isdigit() or com[i-1] == '.' or com[i-1] == ')')):
com = com[:i] + "*" + com[i:]
elif (com[i] == ')' and (com[i+1].isdigit() or com[i+1] == '.' or com[i+1] == '(')):
com = com[:i+1] + "*" + com[i+1:]
ncom = ""
for ch in com:
if (not supportCh(ch)):
return reportErr(1, ch)
elif (ch == "(" or ch == ")"):
ncom += ch
nlen = plen = len(ncom)
while (nlen > 0):
ncom = ncom.replace("()", "")
nlen = len(ncom)
if (nlen == plen):
return reportErr(2, ncom[0])
plen = nlen
ncom = com.replace("(", "")
ncom = ncom.replace(")", "")
if (not ncom[0].isdigit() and ncom[0] != '.'):
return reportErr(3, ncom[0])
elif (ncom[0] == '.' and (len(ncom) < 2 or not ncom[1].isdigit())):
return reportErr(5, "")
elif (not ncom[len(ncom)-1].isdigit() and ncom[len(ncom)-1] != '.'):
return reportErr(3, ncom[len(ncom)-1])
elif (ncom[len(ncom)-1] == '.' and (len(ncom) < 2 or not ncom[len(ncom)-2].isdigit())):
return reportErr(5, "")
for i in range(1, len(ncom)-1, 1):
if (ncom[i] == "+" or ncom[i] == "-" or ncom[i] == "*" or ncom[i] == "/"):
if ((not ncom[i-1].isdigit() and ncom[i-1] != '.') or (not ncom[i+1].isdigit() and ncom[i+1] != '.')):
return reportErr(3, ncom[i])
elif (ncom[i] == '.'):
if (not ncom[i-1].isdigit() and not ncom[i+1].isdigit()):
return reportErr(5, "")
inNum = False
dotNum = 0
for i in range(0, len(com), 1):
if (com[i].isdigit()):
inNum = True
elif (com[i] == "."):
inNum = True
dotNum += 1
inNum = False
if (dotNum > 1):
return reportErr(4, ".")
dotNum = 0
if (dotNum > 1):
return reportErr(4, ".")
return bracketExprCal(com)
class Ans (StdAns):
def GETMSG(self):
ans = "汝以为咱不会算算数的嘛!"
for s in self.parms:
if (s == "help"):
ans = "你喂给我式子我算呀,还不会问狸吧~"
elif (s != "bc"):
ans += "\n" + s + " ==> " + bcMain(s)
return ans
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