# from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import re cheatsheet = open("cheatsheet.txt", "rb").read().decode() re_fa = re.compile(" fa(.*)") re_ch = re.compile("\[&#x(.*?);\]") fas = re.findall(re_fa, cheatsheet) # ['-500px\r', '-address-book\r'] chs = re.findall(re_ch, cheatsheet) # ['f26e', 'f2b9'] assert len(fas) == len(chs) with open("result.txt", "w") as fp: for i in range(len(fas)): fp.write('fa{0} = "\\u{1}"'.format( fas[i].replace("\r", "").replace("-", "_"), chs[i]) ) fp.write("\n") print("ok") # bs = BeautifulSoup(cheatsheet) # # divs = bs.find_all("div", {"class":"col-print-4"}) # # with open("result.txt","w") as fp: # for div in divs: # s = [repr(ss).replace("\\u","#") for ss in div.stripped_strings] # print(s) # if len(s)==3: # fp.write('{1} = "{0}"'.format(*s)) # else: # fp.write('{2} = "{1}"'.format(*s)) # fp.write("\n") # print("ok") # print(list(divs[0].stripped_strings)) # >> ['4.4', '\uf26e', 'fa-500px', '[]']