#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Created on 2018年1月17日 @author: Irony."[讽刺] @site: https://pyqt5.com https://github.com/892768447 @email: 892768447@qq.com @file: question @description: ''' __Author__ = "By: Irony.\"[讽刺]\nQQ: 892768447\nEmail: 892768447@qq.com" __Copyright__ = "Copyright (c) 2018 Irony.\"[讽刺]" __Version__ = "Version 1.0" import sys from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMessageBox app = QApplication(sys.argv) app.setStyleSheet(''' QPushButton[text="Restore Defaults"] { background: red; qproperty-icon: url(../icons/RestoreDefaults.png); } QPushButton[text="Restore Defaults"]:hover { background: darkRed; } QPushButton[text="Help"] { background: green; qproperty-icon: url(../icons/Help.png); } QPushButton[text="Help"]:hover { background: darkGreen; } QPushButton[text="Save All"] { background: blue; qproperty-icon: url(../icons/SaveAll.png); } QPushButton[text="Save All"]:hover { background: darkBlue; } QPushButton[text="&Yes"] { background: cyan; qproperty-icon: url(../icons/Yes.png); } QPushButton[text="&Yes"]:hover { background: darkCyan; } QPushButton[text="Yes to &All"] { background: magenta; qproperty-icon: url(../icons/YesToAll.png); } QPushButton[text="Yes to &All"]:hover { background: darkMegenta; } QMessageBox { messagebox-question-icon: url(../icons/Close.png); } QMessageBox QPushButton { min-width: 95px; min-height: 30px; border-radius: 5px; } ''') QMessageBox.question(None, "提示question", "消息", QMessageBox.RestoreDefaults | QMessageBox.Help | QMessageBox.SaveAll | QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.YesToAll) sys.exit()