2019-07-10 14:10:51 +08:00
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on 2019年7月10日
@author: Irony
2021-07-13 14:52:26 +08:00
@site: https://pyqt.site , https://github.com/PyQt5
2019-07-10 14:10:51 +08:00
@email: 892768447@qq.com
@file: ChineseText
@description: 修改消息对话框文字汉化
import sys
2021-07-13 14:52:26 +08:00
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMessageBox
except ImportError:
from PySide2.QtWidgets import QApplication, QMessageBox
2019-07-10 14:10:51 +08:00
TextStyle = """
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="OK"] {
qproperty-text: "好的";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Open"] {
qproperty-text: "打开";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Save"] {
qproperty-text: "保存";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Cancel"] {
qproperty-text: "取消";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Close"] {
qproperty-text: "关闭";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Discard"] {
qproperty-text: "不保存";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Don't Save"] {
qproperty-text: "不保存";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Apply"] {
qproperty-text: "应用";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Reset"] {
qproperty-text: "重置";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Restore Defaults"] {
qproperty-text: "恢复默认";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Help"] {
qproperty-text: "帮助";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Save All"] {
qproperty-text: "保存全部";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="&Yes"] {
qproperty-text: "是";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Yes to &All"] {
qproperty-text: "全部都是";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="&No"] {
qproperty-text: "不";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="N&o to All"] {
qproperty-text: "全部都不";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Abort"] {
qproperty-text: "终止";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Retry"] {
qproperty-text: "重试";
QMessageBox QPushButton[text="Ignore"] {
qproperty-text: "忽略";
app = QApplication(sys.argv)
# 通过QSS样式的方式设置按钮文字
# 由于年代久远,Qt5的翻译功能没有更新,还是用的旧的结构导致无法翻译
# 这里不使用(需要修改ts源码重新编译成qm)
# translator = QTranslator()
# print(translator.load(QLocale(), 'qt', '_', QLibraryInfo.location(
# QLibraryInfo.TranslationsPath)))
# app.installTranslator(translator)
None, 'information', '消息',
QMessageBox.Ok |
QMessageBox.Open |
QMessageBox.Save |
QMessageBox.Cancel |
QMessageBox.Close |
QMessageBox.Discard |
QMessageBox.Apply |
QMessageBox.Reset |
QMessageBox.RestoreDefaults |
QMessageBox.Help |
QMessageBox.SaveAll |
QMessageBox.Yes |
QMessageBox.YesToAll |
QMessageBox.No |
QMessageBox.NoToAll |
QMessageBox.Abort |
QMessageBox.Retry |